On The Radar Hoops Super 64 Camp Highlights

By: Kris Watkins 

I covered the On The Radar Hoops Super 64 Camp which is one of the Southeast’s top camps and has helped provide an avenue for prospects to get to the next level for 10+ years.

-Full Coverage and Top Prospects can be found on OnTheRadarHoops.com

-Prospects/HS Coaches can download the highlights from our Dropbox account by CLICKING HERE

-Instructions to download Highlights from dropbox

  • Click Link (it will take you to dropbox’s website)
  • Find Players name and click on it (it will take you to the player’s video)
  • Click the 3 … in the top right hand corner (it will give you option to export/download to your phone/computer)
  • We ask when possible if you post on social media please tag @SHReport, @OnTheRadarHoops, and @DrKrisWatkins 

Full YouTube Playlist of Player Highlights 

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